Science and technology conference 2023 (snt2023)

Sciences de l’ingénieur
Dates: 19/06/2023 - 23/06/2023

Lieu: Hofburg in Vienna, Austria

SnT2023 will be held at The Hofburg in Vienna, Austria and online from 19-23 June 2023. 

The event is expected to bring together over 1,000 researchers, scientists, technologists, academics, civil society and Member State representatives, and CTBTO Youth Group members to discuss the key conference themes including: the Earth as a complex system; events and nuclear test sites; monitoring and on-site inspection technologies and techniques; sustainment of networks, performance evaluation, and optimization; and CTBT in a global context.

Check the conference website for the latest updates and registration details. The deadline for abstracts submission is 30 November 2022.


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