Sustainable agriculture: tools and innovations « agrinov2021 »

Dates: 27/10/2021 14:00 - 30/10/2021 20:00

Lieu: Béni Mellal, Maroc  |  Ville: Béni Mellal, Maroc

The evolution of the world's population and the need to preserve natural resources has a direct impact on the agricultural world. Today's agriculture faces many environmental, social and technical challenges. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and human health, agricultural stakeholders, politicians and citizens are forced to position themselves for a real change in attitudes, practices and consumption patterns.

Sustainable agriculture, an agronomic approach using the principles and concepts of ecology, allows designing innovative agricultural models, combining the tripartite principle of economic, social and environmental improvement. Producing food without damaging the natural and social environment creates livable, viable and equitable systems.

Recently, Morocco had launched a new development strategy for the agricultural sector, called Green Generation 2020-2030, in attempt to strengthen the achievements of previous experiences and fill the gaps that have been recorded. In this flow, support must be provided to this transition by rethinking to the methods used to enhancing and sustaining “inclusive” agricultural development. This can be obvious if R&D efforts are increased and innovative measures are undertaken.

This meeting will assemble leading researchers, development practitioners and economists in the fields of agriculture and environment preservation. It will be a perfect platform for both industrial and academic fields which include: Researchers/Scientists, Professors, Research Scholars and Students to exchange and discuss on their ideas, experiences and/or innovations in sustainable agriculture. It’s also an opportunity to build collaborations between researchers at the national and international level.


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Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Maroc

Propulsé par iCagenda