The international conference on electronics, control, optimization and computer science icecocs’20

Sciences de l’ingénieur
Date: 02/12/2020 - 03/12/2020

Lieu: Kenitra-Morocco  |  Ville: Kénitra, Maroc

The Faculty of Sciences (FS-Kenitra) and the National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA- Kenitra) 

organize in collaboration with the Moroccan Association of Innovation and Scientific Research (AMIRS) the  

2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science ICECOCS20 (IEEE ID : #50124) 

December 2nd-3rd, 2020, Kenitra, Morocco.


This scientific event will provide a remarkable opportunity for the academic and industrial communities in the fields of Modeling, Control and Optimization to address new challenges, share experiences and discuss future research directions. The technical program will include plenary lectures and regular technical sessions. ICECOCS’20 is technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity and IEEE Morocco Section. IEEE conference record number : #50124. 

Link to ICECOCS'20 in IEEE conference events

NB: In the light of the recent global pandemic COVID-19 development, the ICECOCS’20 conference accepts now online/video presentations.


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