1St international congress on coastal research

Sciences de l’ingénieur
Dates: 06/10/2020 08:00 - 09/10/2020 20:00

Lieu: Faculty of Science and Technique of Al Hoceima - Morocco  |  Ville: Al Hoceima, Morocco

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to 1st International Congress on Coastal Research (ICCR 2020), to be held at the faculty of Sciences and techniques of Al Hociema, Morocco from Tuesday 6th October to Friday 9th of 2020. ICCR 2020 covers all aspects of coastal research including but not limited to relevant aspects of geological sciences, biology (ecology and coastal marine ecosystems), geomorphology (physical geography), climate, littoral oceanography, coastal hydrogeology, environmental (resource) management, engineering, and remote sensing. Policy, coastal law, and relevant issues such as conflict resolution and risk management and Integrated Coastal Zone Management would also be covered by the congress.


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Faculty of sciences and techniques of Al Hociema 32 003, Ctre Ait Youssef Ou Ali
Faculty of sciences and techniques of Al Hociema 32 003, Morocco

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