9Th trans mediterranean colloquium on heterocyclic chemistry

Sciences exactes et naturelles
Dates: 22/11/2017 08:00 - 25/11/2017 17:00

Lieu: Hotel Zalagh Park Palace, Fez, Morocoo  |  Ville: Fez, Morocco


Dear colleagues and researchers,

The presidency of the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, the Faculty of Science Dhar El Marhraz, the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee of TRAMECH, the Moroccan Group of Heterocyclic Chemistry and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) are pleased to announce that TRAMECH IX will be organized in Fez, Morocco, on November 22-25, 2017.

Zalagh Park Palace Hotel 5* has been selected as the conference venue, providing under-one-roof facilities.

TRAMECH IX is open to all international scientists, from universities and industry, interested in the various aspects of heterocyclic chemistry.

The principal objective of TRAMECH IX 2017, which follows the previous meetings (see below), is to reinforce and develop the scientific exchanges among the countries of the Mediterranean area in the field of heterocyclic chemistry. This meeting will also help foster the next generation of leading researchers by establishing sustainable collaborative relations among research and/or education institutions around the world.

Chairmen of the TRAMECH IX
Anouar Alami (Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco)
Saverio Florio (University of Bari, Italy)


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Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Science Dhar El Marhaz, BP.1796 Atlas-Fès
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Science Dhar El Marhaz, Morocco

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